Nasrallah Hails Iran as Bulwark Against Colonizers

Nasrallah Hails Iran as Bulwark Against Colonizers

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary General of Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, praised Iran for championing all of the region's people and serving as a bulwark that stops the colonizers.

In a live broadcast in commemoration of the 40th day after the passing away of late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, held on Thursday, Nasrallah expressed his solidarity, empathy, and condolences on behalf of the Resistance in Lebanon, the people of Lebanon, and all Resistance movements, to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, the Iranian officials, and the families of the late Iranian president and his entourage that passed away in a helicopter crash on May 19.

He described the fatal helicopter crash as a "very painful incident", urged "the people of faith to transform threats into opportunities”, and noted that the Resistance shared Iran's pain since the accident and followed up with everything since, according to Al Mayadeen.

Nasrallah affirmed that the "Iranian people proved their calmness, stability, unity, and cohesion, while the enemies lurked and anticipated disruptions in the country."

He also noted that the funeral of the late Iranian president and his entourage, which was attended by millions of citizens, represented a "strong message to friends and foes because it showed great loyalty to the Iranian Republic," which proves that Iran can continue preparing for the elections.

Nasrallah said Iran has offered a refined model of how to overcome difficulties and achieve victory. He also called on the Iranian people to "wisely choose and elect the suitable president, who is capable of achieving their hopes, because the fate of the people and governments of the region rests on what happens in Iran."

In separate comments at the event, Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Ziad Nakhaleh said that the late Iranian president and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian were able to achieve so much for the region over the past few years.

Ebrahim Raisi defended Palestine and stayed true to his word, Nakhaleh added.

He further stated that Iran's president and people "clearly and evidently supported the Al-Aqsa Storm operation, and expressed gratitude to Ayatollah Khamenei for his consistent support for the people of Palestine.

A helicopter carrying President Raisi and his entourage crashed in northwestern mountainous forests on May 19, killing the president, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, and six others.

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