Gaza Situation Worrying, Intolerable, Putin Told Rouhani

Gaza Situation Worrying, Intolerable, Putin Told Rouhani

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russia’s president called ongoing situation in the Gaza Strip as “worrying and intolerable”, and called on influential countries to take every measure to reach an immediate ceasefire and assist the innocent people of Gaza.

During a phone conversation with his Iranian counterpart on Friday, President Vladimir Putin elaborated on his country’s precautionary measures to stop the war on Gaza particularly after the ground invasion carried out by Israel.

"The influential countries should do their best for establishing immediate ceasefire and assisting the innocent people," Putin noted.

The two presidents also discussed the latest developments in the besieged Gaza Strip.

President Hassan Rouhani termed Israel’s invasion of Gaza as "a criminal and inhumane act" which has created a terrible tragedy.

President Rouhani also urged quick measure by the international organizations especially the United Nations Security Council to stop the massacre and suppression of the innocent Palestinians in Gaza, end the Israeli aggression, condemn Israel’s crimes and immediately lift the siege on Gaza.

Thousands of Israeli soldiers backed by tanks invaded the Gaza Strip on Thursday. The first major Israeli ground offensive in Gaza in just over five years was announced despite a blunt warning to Israel against invading Gaza by the leaders of Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).

The Zionist regime began its latest onslaught against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip on July 8.

The total death toll from the Israeli attacks has topped 310, with some 2,268 injured. According to the United Nations, nearly 80 percent of the victims are civilians.

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