Muslim Scholars Call for Unity against Extremism

Muslim Scholars Call for Unity against Extremism

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Muslim scholars, in their final statement at the end of the 28th Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran, called on Muslims to unite against extremism and Takfiri movements.

In the final statement of the three-day conference issued on Friday evening, participants including prominent religious clerics and elites underlined the necessity to promote unity and solidarity among Muslims in a bid to counter the problems facing the Islamic world, such as the threat posed by Takfiri militants.

They also asked all Muslim nations to support the popular resistance in Iraq and Syria until the restoration of security in the two Arab countries.

The Muslim clerics voiced support for dialog, mutual understanding, and national unity in Lebanon, and stressed that they will support the Lebanese government, army, people, and the Resistance movement against Zionist aggression, terrorism and extremism.

The final statement severely slammed the crimes, vandalism, and massacre committed by the Zionist regime against the oppressed people of Palestine.

The participant underscored that supporters of unity as well as religious figures must back the fundamental rights of Palestinian nation and lay emphasis on the role of the nation in determining its future, Taqrib news Agnecy reported.

Muslim clerics also demanded the international organizations and human rights foundations to castigate the officials of the Zionist regime and those behind slaughtering innocent people in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Elsewhere, the statement said that the enemies want to see Muslims undermined in different areas.

It is thus necessary for followers of Islam to take steps against the enemies and to participate in different gatherings to uphold unity at a time when enemies of Islam are doing their best to hatch plots against Muslims, the statement noted.

The participants of the Islamic Unity Conference gave central role to the standing commonalties existing among Muslims, and placed stress on the necessity of unity and rapprochement among Islamic denominations in a bid to fulfil the objectives set in the Islamic world.

The participants said Muslims from different Islamic denominations and sects should refrain from any measures that may cause division among Muslims.

They demanded leaders and religious scholars in the Islamic world to provide the ground for promoting unity, and also asked Muslims to abide by the Islamic rules and religious values in a bid to defeat their enemies.

The clerics asked Muslims to respect the sanctities of other religions.

The three-day gathering organized by Tehran-based World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought (WFPIST) was concluded in Tehran on Friday, January 9.

Titled “Unified Islamic Ummah: Challenges and Strategies”, the international conference brought together some 1300 Islamic scholars and intellectuals from 69 countries.

Attendees at the event included educated Muslim figures, ministers of Islamic countries, clerics, scholars and representatives of scientific and cultural circles from Iran and across the world.

The main purpose of the event was to discuss ways to promote unity and solidarity in the Islamic world and to bring closer views of Muslim clerics and scholars’ on diverse religious issues.

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