Iran’s Oil Exports to S. Korea Double in March

Iran’s Oil Exports to S. Korea Double in March

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran's crude oil exports to South Korea doubled in March 2015, compared to the same month last year, preliminary customs data released by the East Asian country showed on Wednesday.

Seoul imported 570,338 tons of crude oil from Tehran last month, or 134,857 barrels per day (bpd), compared with 274,808 tons a year ago, according to the data.

However, Asia's fourth-largest economy brought 1.4 million tons or 114,115 bpd of crude from the Middle Eastern country in the first three months of this year, below 136,281 bpd in the same period of last year and last year's average of 125,000 bpd.

Final data for last month's crude oil imports, which will include greater detail, will be available from state-run Korea National Oil Corp later this month, according to Reuters.

Imports by Iran's four biggest buyers - China, India, Japan and South Korea - averaged 1.12 million bpd in 2014, government and tanker-tracking data showed, the highest since the region took more than 1.5 million bpd in 2011.

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