Iranian Film ‘My Mother's Blue Sky’ to Be Screened at Polish Festival

Iranian Film ‘My Mother's Blue Sky’ to Be Screened at Polish Festival

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian film “My Mother's Blue Sky” will be put on display in the children’s section of a major film festival in Poland, a senior Polish filmmaker announced.

Andrzej Roman Jasiewicz from the Association of Polish Filmmakers made the announcement in an interview with the public relations office of the 33rd Fajr International Film Festival (FIFF).

The full text of the interview is as follows:

Q: How do you know Iranian cinema?
R: Seven years ago I was on the board of International Film Organization of Children and Youth which actually had cooperation with Tehran and one of the directors of the board was an Iranian gentleman who was working with Farabi Cinema Foundation at the time and we were talking about different aspects of cinema and more specifically about Iranian cinema. After that I was invited here for International Children Film Festival in Isfahan and here I am at this year’s Iran Film market.

Q: What is your idea about Iranian cinema and what Iranian movies do you like?
R: Like everybody I like A Separation, but I'm more interested and professional at Iranian children movies. Every year we have a big festival like this in Poland and there is a special separate section for children which we screen some Iranian films in that section and this year we are going to screen My Mother's Blue Sky.

Q: So you actually came here to buy this movie?
R: I'm not in film business like buying and selling movies. I'm making films. I'm a director and a producer as well.

Q: As you know we are at International section of Fajr Festival. How do you compare Fajr Festival with other festivals which you have been to, like the ones you have in Poland?
R: Well, I must say it is quite smaller than the others, but I am sure the quality of the movies will be good.

Q: You are going to watch any movies at Fajr Festival?
R: Certainly yes, I just arrived here a few hours ago and I don’t have a plan, and don't know the screening schedule but I'm sure I'm going to try and find some time for that.

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