Iran, Serbia Ink MoU on Tourism

Iran, Serbia Ink MoU on Tourism

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – High-ranking officials from Iran and Serbia signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to boost cooperation between the two countries in tourism.

In a ceremony on Tuesday evening, Head of Iran's Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO) Masoud Soltanifar and Serbian Minister of Trade, Telecommunications and Tourism Rasim Ljajic signed the agreement.

Speaking in the ceremony, Soltanifar praised the growing relations between Tehran and Belgrade and expressed the hope that the promotion of bilateral ties would yield “good and positive” results for both countries.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran and Serbia have high potentials to promote cooperation in various areas,” he said, adding that given the determination of the two countries’ officials, a “bright future” is on the horizon for the bilateral ties.

In a meeting in Tehran earlier in November 3, Ljajic and Iranian Minister of Industry, Mines, and Trade Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh agreed that formation of a joint economic commission will greatly help expand Tehran-Belgrade trade relations.

The Serbian minister, at the time, described holding of the joint economic commission as a “milestone” in the enhancement of the relations in all fields.

Nematzadeh, for his part, called for the formulation of long-term plans to unleash the two countries’ industrial, economic and mercantile capacities.

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