Acclaimed Chilean Filmmaker Pays Homage to Late Imam Khomeini

Acclaimed Chilean Filmmaker Pays Homage to Late Imam Khomeini

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A prominent Chilean film director and screenwriter visited different parts of Imam Khomeini's house in Jamaran, northern Tehran, expressing deep respect for the late founder of the Islamic Republic.

“I respect him (Imam Khomeini) from the bottom of my heart,” Miguel Ernesto Littin Cucumides said after paying tribute to Imam Khomeini on Thursday, the official website of  the Ammar International Popular Film Festival (APFF) reported. 

Littin participated in the first section of the third edition of the APFF, held in Tehran on August 24-26, 2016. He will leave Iran for Chile later this week.

The Chilean filmmaker declined to attend a press conference on the sidelines of his tour of Imam Khomeini's house due to his respect for the Imam.

The interview should not take place where the late Imam once lived, he said. 

Littin is known internationally as one of the foremost Latin American filmmakers. He has made 17 feature films and feature-length documentaries. Five of Littin’s films have been featured at the Cannes film festival. His most recent film was Allende in His Labyrinth 2014 (Allende en su Laberinto) about the last 7 hours of former President of Chile Salvador Allende during the brutal military coup d’etat on Sept. 11, 1973.

More than 5,000 films from 129 countries were submitted to the secretariat of the APFF, which was a record-breaking number.

The mission of Ammar festival is to help the world become familiarized with the Iranian culture and promote the true image of Iran and the Iranian people.

This edition of the festival highlighted the role of global arrogant powers in orchestrating coups in other countries and overthrowing those who do not follow their lead.

The date of the international event was coincided with the 63rd anniversary of the US-sponsored 1953 coup d'état against the government of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq.

The CIA has acknowledged that the overthrow of Mossadeq was "carried out under CIA direction as an act of US foreign policy, conceived and approved at the highest levels of government," with the aid of the British Secret Intelligence Service.

A series of meetings and workshops were also held on the sidelines of the event.

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