Protesters in Washington Rally against Trump’s Policies (+Photos)

Protesters in Washington Rally against Trump’s Policies (+Photos)

WASHINGTON, DC (Tasnim) – Hundreds of anti-Trump protesters held rallies across Washington, DC, to condemn the new US president’s policies.

On Monday, several hundred people marched in the streets of the capital, criticizing Trump’s immigration policies, among other things.

The DC rally was one of several "Not My Presidents Day" protests planned across the country to mark the Presidents Day holiday.

The demonstrators chanted slogans, including “Deport Twitter”, “Show Your Human Certificate”, “Trump is Brutal”, “People Power Defeats Propaganda”, and “Trump Has No Honor”.

The protesters also wielded “Dump Trump” signs and called on Congress to impeach the recently inaugurated president.

More than two dozen similar events organized via social media were held in other major US cities, including New York, Chicago and Los Angeles.

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