Iranian Constitution House in Tabriz

Iranian Constitution House in Tabriz

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Tabriz Constitution House is a symbol of fighting despotism and reminiscent of struggles by Sattar Khan and Baqer Khan, the two key figures in the Iranian Constitutional Movement.

During the years which led to Constitutional Revolution and afterwards the house was used as a gathering place of the leaders, activists and sympathizers of the movement. Among them, the most famous people were Sattar khan, Bagher Khan, Seqat-ol-Eslam Tabrizi and Haji Mirza Aqa Farshi.

Located in Rasteh Koucheh District in the vicinity of the city's historical bazaar, the two story building was constructed in 1868 by Haj Vali Me'mar-e Tabrizi. It has numerous rooms and halls. 

The house is constructed by order of Haj Mehdi Koozekanani on 1868. It includes a two floor building with internal and external part, with Qajar period architecture. Haj Mehdi Koozekanani was a merchant in the Bazaar of Tabriz. With initiating of Constitution revolution and rising up in Tabriz city, Haj Mehdi joined the revolution and became one of the major financier of the revolution.

At the same time he used the house as a place for meeting of the revolution heads, and a place for publication of underground paper of the constitution movement. The house became important in the history once again just after World War II when it was used as a place for Azerbaijan's Democrat Party meeting center (1946-1947). On 1975 the house was registered by Cultural Heritage of Iran.

Statues of Sattar Khan and Baqer Khan, known as Sardar-e Melli (national commander) and Salar-e Melli (national leader) respectively, are standing at the entrance of the building, reminding the passion for fighting at that era.

Constitution House of Tabriz has numerous rooms and halls. The most beautiful part of the house is a skylight and corridor decorated with colorful glass and mirrors.  The house includes a two-floor building with internal and external parts ("andaruni" and "biruni") with Qajar period architecture.

The first floor is an exhibition of sculptures of famous Iranian constitution revolutionaries and some of their personal belongings including their weapons, underground published newspaper of the revolution, night letters, the printing machine which was used in the house to publish revolution papers, and numerous photos from the revolution. One of the rooms in the building belongs to the women's role in the revolution.

Source: Iran Review

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