Russia’s Federation Council Urges G5+1 Parliaments to Save JCPOA

Russia’s Federation Council Urges G5+1 Parliaments to Save JCPOA

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Russia’s Federation Council urged the parliaments of Group 5+1 (US, Britain, Russia, China, France plus Germany) and Europe to exert influence on their political leadership to save the Iran nuclear deal.

Russia’s Federation Council unanimously adopted the appeal on October 25 and urged the world to prevent Washington from withdrawing from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the nuclear deal reached between Iran and the world powers in Vienna in 2015.

“Sharing the IAEA’s point of view, the members of the Russian Federation Council call on the members of the parliaments of China, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the European Parliament to use their influence on the political leadership of their states in order to maintain the historic agreement on the Iranian nuclear program,” it said in a statement.

The members also noted with concern that at present the implementation of this international agreement is in jeopardy in connection with the new strategy on Iran announced by US President Donald Trump.

“Obviously, such a step will provoke Iran's response, return the Iranian nuclear program to its status decades ago, undermine the belief in the ability of the leading world powers to be responsible participants in international relations, irreparably damage the efforts to maintain the nuclear non-proliferation regime and have a very negative impact on resolution of the similar problems regarding the nuclear programs of other states,” the statement said.

The Russian Federation Council addressed members of the US Congress “with an urgent offer to use all possible resources to prevent the emergence of this extremely dangerous situation”.

“The assessments by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which monitors Iran's nuclear activities, confirm the country's fulfillment of its obligations under the JCPOA,” the appeal said.

The statement of the Russian Federation Council noted that the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program contributes to strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime throughout the world and can serve as an example for resolving other problems of international relations, in particular, the North Korea nuclear issue.

The appeal will be sent to the parliaments of the United States, China, France, Germany, Britain and the European Parliament as well as to the Iranian parliament, Russian president office and the IAEA.

The IAEA has eight times verified Iran's compliance with the nuclear deal. Despite US efforts to sabotage the Iran nuclear deal, all other members of G5+1 have expressed strong support for the deal.

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