Iran's National Botanical Garden, A Piece of Heaven on Earth

Iran's National Botanical Garden, A Piece of Heaven on Earth

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - If you are a nature lover and like seeing the world's whole nature in only three hours, Iran's National Botanical Garden is a must to see.

“You can see all nature's variety here!” This is what guides of Botanical Garden say tell astonished visitors.

Founded in 1968, National Botanical Garden of Iran is located beside a highway between the capital, Tehran and the city of Karaj.

Although made around 40 years ago, the garden has only been open to the since a few years ago.

The garden, which sprawls over an area of 150 hectares, will be turned into the main center for horticulture and plant taxonomy in Iran.

The garden is home to 3,000 species of plants, shrubs and trees. Throughout a full visit around the wonderful garden, one can see plant species such as Gaillardia grandiflora, Lonicera japonica, Gleditschia caspica, Fraxinus excelsior, Atriplex canescens, Taxus baccata, Sorbus terminal, Frangula alnus, Danae racemose, Quercus castaneifolia subsp undulata, Zelkova carpinifolia.

The aim of setting up the Botanical Garden was to produce a collection of native and non-native plants outdoors or in greenhouses.

The garden plays an important role in botany or plant sciences, horticulture, public education and making people aware of the importance and diversity of plants and the need to protect them.

The Botanical Garden is also a resource bank to safeguard endangered species from extinction.

National Botanical Garden of Iran can help researchers learn more about plant species and determine the scope of their distribution through various scientific methods.

Research on methods of breeding species worthy of protection is another issue to be addressed in the garden.

Source: Iran-Daily

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