Rioters Detained in Iran Unrest Being Released: Prosecutor

Rioters Detained in Iran Unrest Being Released: Prosecutor

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Prosecutor General of Tehran said scores of the rioters arrested during the recent unrest in some cities of Iran have been released from custody, but noted that the riot instigators and leaders should stand trial and expect severe punishment for their crimes.

Speaking at a judicial meeting in Tehran on Sunday, Abbas Jafari Dowlatabadi said 70 individuals charged with involvement in the riots have been released from custody over the past two days following detailed investigation.

The process of release of the other detainees, excluding the main leaders of riots, is also in progress, he added.

The prosecutor also called for accelerated judicial work on critical cases in the riots, like those who set fire to the flag of Iran, wrecked a fire truck and attacked the police centers.

In late December, peaceful protests over economic problems broke out in a number of Iranian cities, but the gatherings turned violent in some places when groups of participants, some of them armed, vandalized public property and launched attacks on police stations and government buildings.

Following the unrest, people held several demonstrations across the country to condemn the violent riots and acts of vandalism, and voice support for the Islamic Republic’s Establishment.

Security forces say many rioters arrested in the recent unrest have been trained by the MKO terrorists or had links with the Takfiri terrorist groups.

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