Iranian Students Express Solidarity with Palestine’s Girl Hero

Iranian Students Express Solidarity with Palestine’s Girl Hero

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Union of Islamic Students Associations of Iranian Universities expressed solidarity with 16-year old Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi, who is now under arrest for allegedly attacking the Israeli regime’s soldiers.

In a letter addressed to Ahed Tamimi, Iranian girl students from the Union of Islamic Students Associations expressed solidarity with the Palestinian icon, saying the detention of the teenage girl is a sign of the Zionist regime of Israel’s desperation in the face of the Palestinian nation’s resistance.

The faked regime is so weak that even a young Palestinian girl can strike fear into hearts of Israeli leaders, part of the letter read.

Ahed became the latest face of Palestinian resistance when footage emerged of her slapping first one and then another fully-armed Israeli officer in the face during a protest in her home village of Nabi Saleh, near the Palestinian city of Ramallah.

Israeli forces had earlier shot her cousin in the face. During a confrontation that reportedly erupted over that shooting, Ahed, recognizable since young age by her blond curly hair as well as her courageous posture, slapped and kicked two Israeli forces while protesting.

The Iranian students further described Ahed’s slap in the face of the soldier as a heavy blow to wicked Zionism.

Soon the “palace of Zionism”, built on the blood of Palestinian boys and girls, will come down, the letter said.

Faced with embarrassment as that video went viral, Israelis decided to arrest Ahed. They went on to take her into custody in late December. According to some accounts, 20 Israeli army Jeeps arrived at Ahed's house before dawn to arrest her.

Footage appeared later of her ransacked room, with her belongings strewn across the room, her bed mattress overturned, and her closets emptied on the floor.

Ahed was arrested along with her mother, Nariman, who has been nabbed five times before, including for filming her children and other youths protesting against Israel.

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