Erdogan Questions Value of UN in Face of Israel’s ‘Illegitimate’ Expansionism (+Video)

Erdogan Questions Value of UN in Face of Israel’s ‘Illegitimate’ Expansionism (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reiterated his country's determination to stand up against Israeli aggression targeting Palestinians and questioned the value of the UN in the face of Zionists’ illegitimate expansionism, in a passionate UNGA speech in New York on Tuesday.

"Where are the borders of Israel? Is it the 1948 borders, the 1967 borders, or is there any other border?" Erdogan asked the leaders of the member states, adding that Israel's seizure of Palestinian territories is not legitimate, The Daily Sabah reported.

Erdogan stressed that the global community and the UN should take concrete action to support the Palestinian people "beyond mere promises."

"How can the Golan Heights and the West Bank settlements be seized, just like other occupied Palestinian territories, before the eyes of the world if they are not within the borders of" Israel? he asked and questioned the motive behind the "Deal of the Century" for aiming to eliminate the State and People of Palestine.

"Turkey will continue to stand by the oppressed people of Palestine as it has always been until today," the Turkish president said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his ambition before April's election to annex Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank if re-elected.

Israel inaugurated a Jewish heritage site in East Jerusalem al-Quds late June, which saw the participation of two of US President Donald Trump's top Middle East advisers - peace envoy Jason Greenblatt and Ambassador to Israel David Friedman - who signaled support for Israel's hold over parts of the city that Palestinians want for a future state.

Following Trump's decision in December 2017 to recognize Jerusalem al-Quds as the capital of Israel, the issue was carried to the UN General Assembly after a draft resolution on the matter was vetoed 14-1 by the US in the UN Security Council.

The UN General Assembly passed the draft resolution with 128 countries in favor, nine against and 35 abstentions on Dec. 21, 2017, asking the US to withdraw its decision to recognize the city as Israel's capital.

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