Iran Foreign Ministry Warns of Retaliatory Measures after US, Canada Sanctions

Iran Foreign Ministry Warns of Retaliatory Measures after US, Canada Sanctions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesman for Iran's Foreign Ministry issued a warning that the Islamic Republic will take punitive measures in reaction to fresh sanctions imposed on Iran by the United States and Canada.

In response to questions from reporters, Nasser Kanaani stated on Friday that the Islamic Republic of Iran will take the necessary actions in accordance with the applicable laws to demonstrate its opposition to such sanctions.

As a result, some Americans and Canadians will soon face sanctions because of their support for terrorist organizations, incitement of violence and hatred, incitement of riots, and violation of human rights against the Iranian people, he said. 

On the guise of defending human rights, Canada and the US recently placed fresh rounds of sanctions on several Iranian organizations and people.

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