Thousands Affected By Floods in Indonesia's Surakarta

Thousands Affected By Floods in Indonesia's Surakarta

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Flooding has impacted thousands of residents in the Indonesian city of Surakarta as a result of the prolonged heavy rain, according to a local disaster mitigation organization.

The Bengawan Solo river on the island of Java burst its banks and inundated roads as well as houses in more than 16 subdistricts on Friday, with nearly 22,000 residents impacted, Xinhua reported.

Floods were reported in the villages of Jagalan, Gandekan, Sudiroprajan, Pucangsawit, Semanggi, Joyosuran, Sangkrah, Kedung Lumbu, Mojo, and Joyonakan, according to information gathered by Indonesian news agencies. The water level fluctuates between 30 cm and 1.5 meters.

No casualties have been reported. However, about 4,000 flood victims have reportedly been evacuated to higher ground where they set up tents.

Rescue operations and emergency relief efforts are still underway as authorities were battling to assist those in need.

Indonesia is still in the rainy season and it frequently suffers from floods and landslides, particularly during this period.


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