Trump Appeals Sexual Abuse Verdict, Victim Considers New Lawsuit

Trump Appeals Sexual Abuse Verdict, Victim Considers New Lawsuit

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Former US President Donald Trump is appealing a New York jury’s verdict awarding $5 million to a magazine columnist after the jurors concluded Trump had sexually abused her in the 1990s and defamed her last October.

A notice of appeal was filed on Thursday in Manhattan federal court, the first step in a process that will move the civil case brought against Trump by writer E Jean Carroll to a three-judge panel of the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals.

The notice was signed by Trump lawyer Joe Tacopina, who said after Tuesday’s verdict that he believed there were multiple strong grounds for appeal.

The nine-person jury concluded after less than three hours of deliberations that Carroll had failed to prove it was more likely than not that Trump had raped her in the dressing room of a Bergdorf Goodman store in early spring 1996. But it did find that she had been sexually abused, Al Jazeera reported.

It also said in its verdict that Trump defamed Carroll in a social media statement last October.

Carroll is also considering new claims against Trump after he once again defamed her on prime time television this week.

At a televised “town hall” meeting on Wednesday broadcast by CNN, Trump repeated remarks that formed the basis of Carroll’s successful defamation claim, telling news anchor Kaitlan Collins that Carroll was a “wack job” who fabricated the assault – which was met with whistles and cheers by the Republican audience.

During the interview, Trump insulted well-respected Manhattan federal court Judge Lewis Kaplan, who presided over his case.

Trump’s lawyer Tacopina declined to comment on the potentially new lawsuit.

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