Iran Planning to Invest $5 Billion for Developing 10,000 MW Power Plants

Iran Planning to Invest $5 Billion for Developing 10,000 MW Power Plants

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The head of Iran’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (SATBA) said that $5 billion is going to be invested for constructing 10,000 megawatt power plants in the country.

The financial resources for the construction of 10,000 MW power plants have been provided by the National Development Fund of Iran (NDFI), Mahmoud Kamani stated.

He went on to say that 4,500 megawatt renewable power plant will be built in the first phase.

In a recent session of the Supreme Council of Energy, it was approved that 30,000–MW renewable power plants will be constructed in a 5-year period, Kamani noted.

He went on to say that 80 percent of the power plant development in the world belongs to renewable power plants and that Iran should also make progress in this field.

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