Israeli War on Gaza, Part of Broader Plot: Iran EC Secretary

Israeli War on Gaza, Part of Broader Plot: Iran EC Secretary

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council described Israel’s ongoing onslaught on the Gaza Strip as the third episode of a “major plot” that has already ravaged Syria and has bred violence in Iraq.

“Israel’s (military) operation against Gaza is the third step of a major plot that started with a war on Syria three years ago and then spilled into Iraq and now continues in Gaza,” Mohsen Rezaei told reporters in Tehran on Saturday.

“After (the onslaught on) Gaza, we will witness other incidents in the region as well,” he expected.

Rezaee also cautioned certain regional countries off the ramifications of that broad plot, saying “If the Arab states are duped by Israel, the fire that is blazing will burn them too.”

In relevant comments on July 9, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri said the military attacks against people of Gaza and the deadly insurgency in Iraq and Syria are being organized by the capitalist powers and Zionists.

He explained that capitalism and the global Zionism have masterminded a plot that targets the anti-Israeli resistance movement in the region.

Acting as the proxies of hegemonic powers, spearheaded by the US, the terrorist groups have launched wars against the Syrian and Iraqi governments and nations, wreaking destruction and shedding blood in those countries, Jazayeri added.

Israel has launched a new wave of airstrikes on the besieged Gaza Strip after tensions raged between Palestinians and Israelis following the burning alive of a Palestinian teen in East al-Quds by Zionist settlers.

The death toll from Israel's bombardment of Gaza has increased to over 120 since Tuesday. More than 900 Palestinians have also been injured in the attacks.

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