Pentagon: US, Partners Begin Airstrikes in Syria

Pentagon: US, Partners Begin Airstrikes in Syria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The US and five Arab countries launched airstrikes Monday night on the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group targets in Syria, expanding a military campaign into war-torn country.

Using a mix of manned aircraft — fighter jets and bombers — plus Tomahawk cruise missiles, the strikes were part of the expanded military campaign that President Barack Obama authorized nearly two weeks ago in order to disrupt and destroy the ISIL militants, who have slaughtered thousands of people, beheaded Westerners — including two American journalists — and captured large swaths of Syria and northern and western Iraq.

US officials said the airstrikes began around 8:30 pm EDT, and were conducted by the US, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.

The first wave of strikes finished about 90 minutes later, but the operation was expected to continue for several more hours, according to one US official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly by name about an ongoing mission, AP reported.

Syria's Foreign Ministry said the US informed Syria's envoy to the UN that "strikes will be launched against the terrorist Daesh group in Raqqa."

At a conference on Sept. 11 with Secretary of State John Kerry, key Arab allies promised they would "do their share" to fight the ISIL militants. The Obama administration, which at a NATO meeting in Wales earlier this month also got commitments from European allies as well as Canada and Australia, has insisted that the fight against the militants could not be the United States' fight alone.

Because the military operation was ongoing, no details could be provided yet, said Rear Adm. John Kirby, the Pentagon's press secretary. He said the military made the decision to strike early Monday. A White House official said Obama was being updated.

The strikes were carried out by manned Air Force and Navy aircraft, and the Tomahawk missiles were launched from US ships in the northern Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. The aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush is in the Persian Gulf.

Some of the airstrikes were against group's self-declared capital in Raqqa in northeastern Syria. Military officials have said the US would target militants' command and control centers, re-supply facilities, training camps and other key logistical sites.

Syrian activists reported several airstrikes on militant targets in Raqqa. One Raqqa-based activist, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the airstrikes lit the night sky over the city, and reported a power cut that lasted for two hours.

The US military has been launching targeted airstrikes in Iraq since August, focusing specifically on attacks to protect US interests and personnel, assist Iraqi refugees and secure critical infrastructure. Last week, as part of the newly expanded campaign, the US began going after militant targets across Iraq, including enemy fighters, outposts, equipment and weapons.

To date US fighter aircraft, bombers and drones have launched about 190 airstrikes within Iraq.


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