Hezbollah: Burning Palestinian Baby to Death Proves Terrorism of Zionists

Hezbollah: Burning Palestinian Baby to Death Proves Terrorism of Zionists

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement condemned the “heinous” crime committed by the Israeli settlers who stormed and incinerated one of the Palestinian houses, which led to the burning of an innocent baby.

In a statement on Friday, Lebanese Hezbollah stressed that the crime by the Israeli settlers committed on Friday in Doma village near Nablus embodies the terrorism that permeates the hearts of the Zionist settlers.

"Many of the terrorism practitioners in our era learned cruelty and atrocity from the Zionist crimes," the statement said according to Al Manar news website.

Hezbollah further emphasized that the attempt by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other ministers to evade from the crime through releasing statements condemning the fatal arson attack cannot deceive people because everyone knows that Netanyahu and his government are responsible directly for the crimes that are committed daily against the Palestinian people.

"The international community is also responsible for these crimes because it did not condemn and move to stop them," the movement said.

Israeli settlers have in recent years carried out various attacks including arson and graffiti on Palestinian property in the West Bank and al-Quds (Jerusalem) under the “price tag” slogan.

Price tag attacks are acts of vandalism and violence against Palestinians and their properties as well as Islamic holy sites.

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