Miankaleh: A Heavenly Sanctuary in Iran

Miankaleh: A Heavenly Sanctuary in Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Miankaleh peninsula is a narrow but long peninsula (48km long and between 1300-3200 meters wide), in Mazandaran Province, north of Iran, situated in the extreme southeastern part of the Caspian Sea. It is spread over 68,800 hectares.

The Miankaleh Biosphere Reserve is a major habitats include wetlands, inter-tidal mud with sandy shores, shallow marine waters, forests, peat lands and agricultural areas. Miankaleh was designated a Ramsar site in 1975.

Miankaleh peninsula is one of the richest ecological havens in West Asia and perhaps in the whole world. It is home to many unique Caspian bird and reptile species native to this region. It's also a very important internationally recognized refuge for migratory birds.

 Over 260 waterfowl species were identified in Miankaleh in 1998. The international and national biosphere reserve has a great value as it hosts 250,000 migratory birds including pelican, flamingo, graylag goose, lesser white fronted goose, swan, red-breasted merganser and the rare white-headed duck in winters.

The wetland of Miankaleh consists of three habitat types. Every year, hundreds of thousands of birds from northern latitudes of Caspian Sea come to Miankaleh during autumn and winter. This wetland is also a prominent habitat of Caspian Sea’s cartilaginous and bony fish.

The diversity of species in Miankaleh attracts thousands of domestic and foreign visitors to this region every year.

Source: Oruj Travel

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