US Presidential Candidates Differ Not in Support for Israel, but Over How Much to Give

US Presidential Candidates Differ Not in Support for Israel, but Over How Much to Give

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The US presidential election season brings a variety of issues to the American public, and one that invariably comes to the fore is American support for the Zionist regime of Israel, an independent American political analyst based in Washington says.

By Dr. Dennis M. Nilsen for Tasnim

The American presidential election season brings a variety of issues to the American public, and one that invariably comes to the fore is American support for the Zionist regime of Israel. It does not appear as an issue to be discussed, but rather one within the canon of American foreign policy directives that every candidate who has any chance of winning must give approval to.

President Trump's support for the Zionist regime outranks all previous presidents in rhetoric, diplomacy and material support for its military. Correspondingly, his hatred of Iran is clear in the public record, although he, like all demagogues, likes to speak past a country's government to the people themselves, thereby seeking to ignore the very leaders those people elected. The amount of influence the Zionist Jewish lobby has in the United States is built around the phenomenon of Christian Zionism, which pins its hopes for the return of Jesus Christ to the survival and flourishing of the regime of Israel.  This mindset was well exemplified by Vice President Mike Pence, himself an Evangelical - but raised a Catholic - in a speech he gave last year at AIPAC on the subject of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar's suggestion that the United States Government had been co-opted by a foreign power (i.e. Israel). To the cheers of the crowd, he condemned Rep. Omar's comments using the wonderfully ambiguous term 'antisemitic' and went on to say that 'Antisemitism has no place in American society.' It is this kind of nonintellectual, unhistorical and emotional reasoning that will continue to characterize the Trump Administration should he be reelected.

Joe Biden likes to tie his name to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (2015) and regrets that President Trump pulled the US out of it. However, aside from voicing a vague desire to solve tensions with your country (Iran) in a diplomatic manner, he can be guaranteed to mouth the verbal commonplaces about America being a constant friend of Israel and will do nothing about the plight of the Palestinians, about the obnoxious Israeli settlement policy in the West Bank, or about the umbilical cord-like relationship between that country and the United States that continues to paint the US in a very bad light, and which prevents it from acting as a neutral party in regional disputes. He also championed the Iraq War of George H. Bush, a war which is now coming to be accepted by a growing number of people in the United States to have been a proxy war to take out Israel's nearest security threat.

Bernie Sanders, touted as the non-establishment Democratic candidate, has spent most of his campaign focusing on the need to have the federal government take control of and expand social services, notably healthcare and education.  However, when it comes to foreign affairs, he too can be counted on to support Israel almost without reservation, despite his support for the JCPOA and his determination to find a diplomatic solution to the crisis between our two countries.  Although he did oppose the Iraq War of 2003, Bernie Sanders is a committed supporter of Israel and will not demand a behavior change from Israel nor seriously alter America's relation to it.

The Islamic Republic and the Zionist regime were founded on opposing eschatological ideologies, the former to prepare for the return of the Twelfth Imam and the latter for the Messiah.  As long as this opposition endures, the two countries will be at odds, and as long as the Jewish lobby in the United States remains of unmatched strength in politics, the United States will be its ever-faithful ally. Jewish control of the media and its narrative in this country (the US) is acknowledged by an ever-growing number of the public, which has led to the creation of an alternative media.  This has successfully challenged the status quo to such an extent that these alt-media personalities and consumers have triggered a tremendous fear among the Zionist lobby and their proxies. As long as an honest two-sided debate is not permitted over the question of Israel in American politics, resentment will continue to grow and the 'antisemitism' word will be used more and more to attempt to quiet this discontent.

The American position in the Middle East is precarious, as your readers will certainly agree. It is an historical truth that when empires appear in their greatest magnificence the end of their hegemony has already well begun.  The British Empire reached its greatest territorial extent in the early 1930s but the writing had already been on the wall during the Second Boer War (1899-1902), when the British had to call nearly half a million men to arms to defeat an enemy which never numbered more than 50,000 fighting men; they also used concentration camps on the civilian population.  The same thing went for the American Empire, whose disastrous defeat in the Vietnam War taught this lesson to those willing to listen, but did not stave off a repeat of the same tactics with the same aimless purpose in Iraq some thirty years later.  Debt-ridden empires with dwindling friends cannot long survive, as the financial and international standing of the United States now shows.

Regardless of who wins the presidential election, do not expect American foreign policy towards your country to change significantly. As long as your leadership remains committed to the Resistance against the presence of a militarist and arrogant Zionist polity, the United States will be your enemy. Unfortunately, the wisdom of statesmen has vanished from our political class, and they will stay the course until events out of their control force their hands. Aristotle pointed out in his Nicomachean Ethics that either a man learns to control himself or he will be controlled. American foreign policy in the Middle East remains the prime example of an uncontrolled egoism based upon a spiritual belief in a mission to give calm to the region - of course, without the consent of the majority of the people who live there.  This is a living example of the Jewish idea of tikkun olam, translated in English as 'repair of the world', whereby the self-identified Jewish leadership believe they have a mission to remake the world in their own image, as it is by this means that God will be pleased.  The political application of this idea is seen in the United States behavior on Israel's behalf in the Middle East, in the proclamation of the secular gospel of democracy, a reckless promotion of political equality, a disrespect for tradition and religion, and a hubristic belief that only certain results will be permitted in elections.

With this in mind, petition your government not to provoke the American administration, regardless of whether Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden leads it. Your government is committed to the 'long war' against the Zionist regime, and it is clear that they are fearful of an American attempt to overthrow them. They may fear this, but petition them to continue to act in a measured manner, according to the virtue of practical reason. They cannot tolerate acts of war brought by our country against yours - as in the assassination of General Soleimani - but they can avoid provoking a political-military beast that, aware of its own failing support, continues to look for an opponent to thrash, all in the name of 'self-defense'.

Let the centuries-long wisdom of the Iranians continue to show itself in the Long Defense which they have given their leaders support to pursue.  Despite the provocation and big words which will surely come from the candidates, only the air will become warmer in Washington.  Even such a man as Donald Trump realizes that a war against your country is both undesirable and unwinnable.

Stay the course of Resistance. The American Empire is coming apart and time will see its overbearing disappearance from the Middle East.

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