Iran Denies Link with Erbil Rocket Strike

Iran Denies Link with Erbil Rocket Strike

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry categorically dismissed reports attributing a rocket attack on a US airbase in Erbil to Iran.

In a statement released on Tuesday, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh quashed the “suspicious rumors” linking Iran to Monday’s rocket strike on a US airbase in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region.

Iran strongly dismisses such rumors and roundly condemns the suspicious attempts to attribute the attack to Tehran, he said.

“Iran regards stability and security of Iraq as a key issue for the region and neighbors, and rejects any measure disrupting order and calm in that country,” the spokesman added.

Khatibzadeh called on the Iraqi government to prosecute and punish the perpetrators of the suspicious rocket strike.

A volley of rockets targeting a US airbase in Erbil killed a foreign civilian contractor and wounded nine others, including Americans, on Monday.

The rockets were launched from an area south of the main city Erbil near the border with Kirkuk province and also fell on some residential areas close to the airport, officials said.

The attack has been reportedly claimed by a group calling itself Awliyaa al-Dam.

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