Iranian President Cautions against Impromptu Economic Decisions

Iranian President Cautions against Impromptu Economic Decisions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi stressed the need to avoid instant decisions, particularly about economic issues, in order to build public trust and ensure stability in the country.

Addressing a cabinet session on Sunday evening, Raisi urged that instant decisions, especially on economic issues, should be avoided and replaced with well-established and trust-building decisions resulting in stability in the society.

The worst trouble in the society is instability and unpredictability of the economic situation, the president warned, stressing that the decisions must make the future predictable for the public and the whole production and economic sectors.

He also expressed gratitude to the ministers of the previous administration for attending the cabinet sessions and cooperation with the new government over the past two weeks, saying the next cabinet meeting will be attended by his own ministers.

The Iranian Parliament will be holding votes of confidence this week for 19 ministers proposed by the president.

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