French Protesters Rally against New Law on Immigration (+Video)

French Protesters Rally against New Law on Immigration (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Demonstrators gathered at the Chateau Rouge square in the northern part of the French capital of Paris and yelled slogans such as "Let's legalize all illegal immigrants" and "Work without documentation is suffering for the Africans."

They carried banners that read "Against repression, detention, and deportations!" and "For a hospitable migration policy."

French non-governmental organizations and several foreign labor unions organized the rally.

France's new bill on asylum and migration, presented in early February, provides for the steps to facilitate expulsions of "delinquent" foreigners, a structural reorganization of the asylum system, and a mechanism to integrate certain undocumented workers.

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has said that this is the French government's "toughest" bill on immigration.

According to local media, the so-called 'Darmanin law' would be the most restrictive rule on immigration passed in France. It would entail a complete reform of the asylum system and simplify deportations.



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