Palestinian Teen Killed by Israeli Army in West Bank Raids

Palestinian Teen Killed by Israeli Army in West Bank Raids

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A Palestinian teenager was shot dead by Israeli forces in Qalqilya, while several arrests were made during Israeli military raids in various parts of the West Bank, according to local sources and the Palestinian health ministry.

The Israeli military has arrested four Palestinians in different locations across the occupied West Bank, according to local media.

Israeli forces apprehended one man after storming his house in Silwad, northeast of Ramallah.

Another man was arrested in Azmut, east of Nablus.

Two additional arrests were made in Qalqilya, including the father of a man wanted by the Israeli military, reportedly to pressure his son to surrender.

Israeli raids have also been reported in Seneria, south of Qalqilya; Bizzariya, northwest of Nablus; Dura, south of Hebron (Al Khalil); and the Jalazone refugee camp, north of Ramallah.

Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian teenager in Qalqilya on Thursday, the Palestinian health ministry said.

Naeem Abdullah Samha, 15, was killed by Israeli occupation bullets in Qalqilya, the ministry in Ramallah stated.

The Palestinian official news agency Wafa, citing local sources, reported that Samha was shot in the chest. He was rushed to the hospital but succumbed to his wounds, it added.

The Israeli military has arrested eight men after storming the Jalazone refugee camp, north of Ramallah, the Wafa news agency reports.

Earlier, Israeli military personnel had raided several homes in the camp and have since withdrawn, according to local media.

The Israeli military also conducted a raid in Ramallah, shooting three people and leaving one man in critical condition, Wafa reports.

Israeli forces reportedly prevented paramedics from reaching the critically injured man in the city’s Qaddoura refugee camp.

Additionally, the Israeli military stormed Silwad, northeast of Ramallah.

Israeli forces regularly carry out raids in the West Bank, and these incursions have intensified since the onset of Israel's genocidal war in Gaza on October 7.

At least 547 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army and settlers in the occupied territory since then, with over 8,000 Palestinians detained.


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