Thousands of Palestinians Protest against Israeli Annexation Plan (+Video)

Thousands of Palestinians Protest against Israeli Annexation Plan (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Thousands of Palestinians rallied in Jericho to protest against Israel's plan to annex large swaths of the occupied West Bank and Jordan Valley.

Protesters were seen holding Palestinian flags and signs, in a demonstration convened by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly said that he would commence cabinet-level discussions for annexing more areas in the West Bank on July 1.

Under the plan, the Israeli regime would annex the areas upon which it has been building settlements in defiance of international law since their occupation in 1967, alongside the Jordan Valley. Over all, the areas that are subject to the scheme comprise some 30 percent of the West Bank.

The annexation bid is in accordance with US President Donald Trump’s controversial plan for ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Trump’s proposal, which has already been categorically rejected and condemned by Palestinians and many other world nations, largely gives in to Israel’s demands while creating a Palestinian state with limited control over its own security and borders. 

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